Things weren’t exactly working out with Stassi.
If you all recall, when we swept Jordyn from the Good American website, had her turn in all her keys, dissolved her Kylie Cosmetics collection, and had her blacklisted at Nobu. I promoted Stass to the role of “Auntie Kyle’s #1 BFF and Co-parent to Stormi”.
This promotion came with more perks, but more responsibilities, all of which were explained to her before she accepted the role. Part of the responsibilities included wearing matching outfits with Auntie Kylie for social media content. Stass was also required to be a co-parent to Stomi. Co-Parenting is a huge part of our brand, she needed to embrace it.
For a while everything was great. Stass slid into Jordyn’s spot seamlessly. She looked amazing in the matching outfits, she fully participated in the PR trip for Kylie Skin, and Stormi had nothing but good things to say about her. After Stass’ first year, I gave her a glowing performance evaluation. For a while, we were all saying, “Jordyn who?”.
She was perfect…until she got beside herself.
I started hearing from other staff members that Stassi was refusing to wear matching outfits with Auntie Kylie. She felt like she had been around long before me so she should be able to make creative decisions. That’s brave.
In addition to her behavioral issues, Stassi was also neglecting her co-parenting duties. I noticed when I would ask Stassi to read to Stormi she would play an audiobook, which would be fine if the book wasn’t Prince Harry’s memoir or something equally as offensive, Kris’ memoir. Stormi informed me that on 5 separate nights, Stassi was a no-show for tucking her in. Unacceptable.
At this point, Stassi was completely checked out and on her own planet.
I had the Malikas call Auntie Kylie to my offices so we could talk about this situation. We agreed that overall, Stassi was the ideal friend. She was fun and loyal, but she could not handle the branding or co-parenting side of this friendship.
I told Auntie Kylie that we needed to circle back to Jordyn. It was a shot in the dark, but maybe she’d be open to a meeting.
I sent her some texts:
Hey mamas! It’s North, I hope this is still your number. Listen, I’ve been thinking, maybe we all overreacted. We said some things, you did the Red Table Talk, we let Kimora Lee Simmons embarrass herself on our behalf, and you dropped merch. Nobody’s perfect.
Stormi has been talking non-stop about her favorite co-parent. It’s so cute! Just the other day she said, “If I make a mistake are you gonna kick me out of the family like the other Mommy?”. Adorable.
Anyway, my aunt Kylie wanted to invite you to dinner to catch up. So much has happened. You’ll never guess who’s basketball game I had to go to and he didn’t even play. Girl, had me sitting courtside, with a whole sign looking like a straight loser. Spoiler Alert: You kissed him. HAHAHA! I’m so glad we can laugh about this now.
Okay, babes… I’ll have the Malikas follow up for dates and times. Talk to you later, gorgeous. All my love to the fam.
It took a couple of weeks for Jordyn to respond, but when we spoke she was open and receptive to what I had to say. Jordyn made no promises, but she agreed to dinner with Auntie Kylie to talk about mending the friendship and potentially coming back to co-parent Stormi.
I did not attend the dinner because I wanted to give Auntie and Jordyn some privacy to talk things out, but I gave Auntie Kylie her talking points and I had the Malikas send Jordyn a fruit basket.
I heard the dinner was productive and steps were made to move forward. You guys, Stormi might get her family back!
As for Stass, she is still on staff, but she has lost her promotion. No hard feelings, the moment was just too big for her. I let her keep the outfits, but she had to turn in her keys.
Many are called, but few are chosen.